Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Possible Thesis

I'm to the point now that I've gathered a good amount of research and need to start making sense of it all. The easiest way for me to do that is to establish a thesis statement so that I have a clear focus in mind as I begin wading through all these sources I've accumulated. I'm still open to adjusting my thesis at this point in the process but establishing some sense of clarity helps me overcome that overwhelming feeling that is easy to experience with a research paper.

As of now my thesis is as follows:

A Jungian approach to Shakespeare's The Tempest not only offers insight into the psyche of Shakespeare himself but also helps to explain why his works continue to maintain relevance in today's popular culture.

I would love any feedback. Let me know what you think.


  1. Jake, I like where you are going with your thesis and will be interested in seeing your rough draft. However, I can see how this thesis can take me into to very different directions.

    #1 The Tempest offers insight into the psyche of Shakespeare.

    #2 Why Shakespeare's works continue to be relevant today.

    It may help you to pick one or the other. Or maybe find a way to integrate the two in a way that will connect better. Such as:

    A study of The Tempest through Jungian psychology helps readers to understand how Prospero, a representation of Shakespeare himself, maintains relevance in popular culture.

    I'm not sure if the above statement is what you are going for, but I think it will allow you to use Jungian psychology to explain how Prospero is Shakespeare... while maintaining your goal of showing why Prospero being Shakespeare is important to our current pop culture.

  2. I completely agree. I've been working on fixing that. I just posted my introduction, I'd love if you'd take a look and let me know if you think I pulled it off. Thanks for the feedback!
